MENA, BRICS 그리고 유럽시장에서

혁신적인 비지니스 글로벌 진출과 확장을 지원합니다

We support innovative business global entry and expansion in the MENA, BRICS, and European markets.

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MENA, BRICS 그리고 유럽시장에서

혁신적인 비지니스 글로벌 진출과 확장을 지원합니다

We support innovative business global entry and

expansion in the MENA, BRICS, and European markets.

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Our numbers


Global Client

With an extensive portfolio of diverse projects, each one showcases our dedication to innovation, creativity, and delivering exceptional results for our clients.



Our array of accolades underscores our dedication to excellence and innovation, solidifying our position as industry leaders.


Businesses services

Spanning three countries, our operations reflect our global reach and localized expertise, ensuring tailored solutions for diverse audiences worldwide.


Strategic Partnerships

Our robust team ensures seamless execution of projects, bringing together diverse expertise and dedication to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Our Partnerships

We are a global team of experts.

We are a global team of experts.

Here to stay, here to make impact.

Here to stay, here to make impact.


우리는 혁신협력을 핵심 가치로 삼아, 전 세계 기업들이 그들의 잠재력을 극대화하고 성공적인 글로벌 확장을 이룰 수 있도록 돕습니다. 스타트업부터 대기업까지, 모든 고객들에게 맞춤형 지원을 제공하며, 빠르게 변화하는 글로벌 경제 환경에 맞춘 전략적 파트너로서 자리잡고 있습니다.

글로벌 펀드

급변하는 국제 정세 속에서 자본시장, 금융서비스 산업을 넘어 경제와 사회 전반에 큰 변화를 촉진할 수 있는 트렌드를 분석합니다. 과거 여느 때보다 역동적인 환경에서 지속가능한 혁신을 주도 할 수 있는 펀드 및 투자 사업모델을 제안합니다. 미래 기회를 촉발할 동력을 ‘혁신과 성장’ 파트너를 모색 합니다.

글로벌 펀드는 안정적인 수익을 추구하는 투자자에게 적합한 선택으로, 다양한 시장에 투자하여 리스크를 관리하고 성장을 도모할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

정부 및 공공분야

정부와 공기업이 국민 삶의 질을 개선하고 국가 경쟁력을 강화할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. 정부 및 공기업 부문 전문가들은 정책 및 제도 수립, 산업 활성화 및 파급효과 분석, 공공서비스의 디지털 전환 등 광범위한 분야에서 효율적이면서도 효과적으로 국가와 지역사회를 지원하는 최적의 솔루션을 제공합니다.

산업별 전문 서비스

산업별 기업 다수가 보유한 포트폴리오와 미래 자본배분 전략을 신속히 검토 합니다. 기업들은 ‘포트폴리오 리밸런싱(rebalancing)’으로 성장기회를 모색함과 동시에 사업전략에 부적합하도록 합니다. 전략적 목표 진화, 끊임없는 기술 발전과 함께 포트폴리오 리밸런싱을 경제 불확실성에 맞서기 위해 글로벌 기업들과 함께 전략과 추진 과제를 통해 경쟁력을 강화하고 심화되는 변동성에 효과적으로 대응할 것입니다.

  • Elevator

  • Construction /

    reconstruction projects

  • Finance & Investment

  • Fin-tech

  • Government /

    public services

  • Consumer /


  • Ed - tech

  • Medical

  • Entertainment

Our Services


Dubai & Fashion and Beauty Life Business

This project focuses on introducing Korean beauty and fashion lifestyle products to the Middle Eastern market. The Middle East, with its high income levels and strong interest in K-beauty, has a high demand for Korean products.


Dubai GS Convenience Store Expansion & StartUp BRICS Advance and Investment

This project is focused on expanding GS Convenience Stores, based on Korea's convenience store system, into the Middle Eastern and European markets. GS Convenience Stores are highly popular in Korea for their convenience and wide range of products, and through this international expansion, they aim to lead the global convenience store market.


Ukraine Reconstruction

This project involves participating in the recovery and reconstruction efforts following the damage caused by the war in Ukraine, contributing to the rebuilding of infrastructure, restoration of residential and commercial facilities, and economic revitalization. The Ukraine reconstruction project goes beyond humanitarian efforts, providing an opportunity for Korean companies to fulfill their global social responsibility and create new business opportunities.


Korean Medical Middle East Localization

This project involves exporting Korean medical devices and wellness services to the Middle Eastern and European markets. Korea's medical technology is globally recognized, and the medical device and wellness sectors, in particular, have significant growth potential. This project will strengthen the global competitiveness of Korea's medical industry while creating new opportunities for expansion into overseas markets.


Global overseas performances

This project involves exporting Korean medical devices and wellness services to the Middle Eastern and European markets. Korea's medical technology is globally recognized, and the medical device and wellness sectors, in particular, have significant growth potential. This project will strengthen the global competitiveness of Korea's medical industry while creating new opportunities for expansion into overseas markets.


Dubai & Fashion and Beauty Life Business

This project focuses on introducing Korean beauty and fashion lifestyle products to the Middle Eastern market. The Middle East, with its high income levels and strong interest in K-beauty, has a high demand for Korean products.


Dubai GS Convenience Store Expansion & StartUp BRICS Advance and Investment

This project is focused on expanding GS Convenience Stores, based on Korea's convenience store system, into the Middle Eastern and European markets. GS Convenience Stores are highly popular in Korea for their convenience and wide range of products, and through this international expansion, they aim to lead the global convenience store market.


Ukraine Reconstruction

This project involves participating in the recovery and reconstruction efforts following the damage caused by the war in Ukraine, contributing to the rebuilding of infrastructure, restoration of residential and commercial facilities, and economic revitalization. The Ukraine reconstruction project goes beyond humanitarian efforts, providing an opportunity for Korean companies to fulfill their global social responsibility and create new business opportunities.


Korean Medical Middle East Localization

This project involves exporting Korean medical devices and wellness services to the Middle Eastern and European markets. Korea's medical technology is globally recognized, and the medical device and wellness sectors, in particular, have significant growth potential. This project will strengthen the global competitiveness of Korea's medical industry while creating new opportunities for expansion into overseas markets.


Global overseas performances

This project involves exporting Korean medical devices and wellness services to the Middle Eastern and European markets. Korea's medical technology is globally recognized, and the medical device and wellness sectors, in particular, have significant growth potential. This project will strengthen the global competitiveness of Korea's medical industry while creating new opportunities for expansion into overseas markets.


Dubai & Fashion and Beauty Life Business

This project focuses on introducing Korean beauty and fashion lifestyle products to the Middle Eastern market. The Middle East, with its high income levels and strong interest in K-beauty, has a high demand for Korean products.


Dubai GS Convenience Store Expansion & StartUp BRICS Advance and Investment

This project is focused on expanding GS Convenience Stores, based on Korea's convenience store system, into the Middle Eastern and European markets. GS Convenience Stores are highly popular in Korea for their convenience and wide range of products, and through this international expansion, they aim to lead the global convenience store market.


Ukraine Reconstruction

This project involves participating in the recovery and reconstruction efforts following the damage caused by the war in Ukraine, contributing to the rebuilding of infrastructure, restoration of residential and commercial facilities, and economic revitalization. The Ukraine reconstruction project goes beyond humanitarian efforts, providing an opportunity for Korean companies to fulfill their global social responsibility and create new business opportunities.


Korean Medical Middle East Localization

This project involves exporting Korean medical devices and wellness services to the Middle Eastern and European markets. Korea's medical technology is globally recognized, and the medical device and wellness sectors, in particular, have significant growth potential. This project will strengthen the global competitiveness of Korea's medical industry while creating new opportunities for expansion into overseas markets.


Global overseas performances

This project involves exporting Korean medical devices and wellness services to the Middle Eastern and European markets. Korea's medical technology is globally recognized, and the medical device and wellness sectors, in particular, have significant growth potential. This project will strengthen the global competitiveness of Korea's medical industry while creating new opportunities for expansion into overseas markets.


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